Sunday, February 01, 2009


Ok! Let’s get this answers out…starting from number 3:

3). I’m a shopaholic, I buy anything that catches my fancy. Sometimes for the embellishments, and I never get to wear them.

Sadly, TRUE… I’ve got clothes I have never worn my whole life yet I remember how gleeful I was when purchasing.

2). I have a huge crush on Leonardo Di caprio. I don’t care what E! says about his ‘unsexy’ body – to me it cant get any sexier.

Most definitely! (solomnsdyelle, why is that so hard to believe? Lol!). I don’t like pretty boys, I like my man rough around the edges; u know, a little imperfection here and there. No mannequins for me, thank you.
Leo just makes my heart beat a little faster; and he is a damn good actor!

1). I dated one of my teachers in secondary school, he was such a hunk and I was in love. We spent a lot of time together and made the other girls jealous. Hehehehe!

HELL NO! my teenage years were innocuous; and I remained daddy’s lil girl.



bArOquE said...

daddy's girl, i talk am say na lie you dey lie...LOL...innocuous doesn't exonerate you from number i no gree

Shubby Doo said...

Yay! I was right

Isi wrt your crush and faster beating heart...nothing do u... but leo is a pretty boy...a very very fine actor but a metrosexual all the same. AbsoIutely nothing hard or rough and ready about his facial features...I can say this bcos apart from facial hair his face looks the same in revolutionary road as it did in the basketball diaries!!!

bumight said...

um...lemme go see if i guessed right...brb

bumight said...

*sulking* ok, i guessed wrong, but u just dont sound like a shopaholic! not my fault for guessing wrong!!! lol

Joy Isi Bewaji said...

baroque, lol!! bee, don't let me start with u o!

shubby, true talk. but in hollywood if u had to name top 10 hunks, my Leo wont be there o. you have guys like brad pitt, george clooney, um... colin farrel, jonny depp, etc...
but thanks for putting my sweet leo in that category. we are both flattered! looool!!!!!

bumight, i am not a shopaholic (i think!) i just make wrong choices. but am getting into my own now.
how r u dear?!

Writefreak said...

I'm glad no 3 is not true! I was right!

ibiluv said...

Leo is a dish......pot belly and all.........moreover he dates the cutest girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

Afrobabe said...

euuuuuuu disgusting, how can u find leonardo sexy???

what happened to Collin Farrel and George clooney?

Joy Isi Bewaji said...

WF, congrats!

ibiluv, he does, doesn't he?

afrobabe, ur collin and george is a tad boring. PERFECTION IS BOOOOOORRRING! lol!

O'Dee said...

I was sooooo right.

Flourishing Florida said...

lol @ number 3. i couldn't even imagine it being true

Buttercup said...

i got the answer whoop whoop!!!

im expecting my gift..a free copy of ur book will do..look at it this way, i'll use it as a promotion copy, i'll show everyone here in SA n they'll be obliged to buy :D

Emeka Amakeze said...

Lol at your Leo. I agree with you that he's a good actor.

The Activist said...

I have found someone I can get free clothes from since she buys them and do not wear them all (lol)